What is Chapter 33 of the New York City Construction Code?

chapter 33 nyc dob explainer

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    It’s not uncommon to see a building under construction almost anywhere you look in New York City. While continuous construction is good for the city’s overall development, it is important not to overlook the maintenance of safety standards across these construction sites. Seeing the increasing number of construction projects in New York, the NYC Department of Buildings (NYC DOB) set forth rules in Chapter 33 to regulate the construction and demolition of buildings in the city.

    Chapter 33 NYC DOB sets the safety standards for all construction sites. The provisions given in the chapter govern all construction and demolition projects in New York to ensure the safety of the public and property. In addition to Chapter 33, the DOB set OSHA standards for regulations relating to the safety of people employed in these construction operations.

    Some of the standards included in the Chapter 33 NYC DOB are:

    • Requirements for safety managers and site coordinators
    • Safeguards and safety measures that must be followed at all construction or demolition sites
    • Criteria for inspection with regards to structures, operations, and equipment used on construction sites
    • Required documentation to carry out a construction or demolition operation in New York
    • Measures required to be taken for the protection of pedestrians and the buildings adjacent to the construction site
    • Sanitary requirements that need to be fulfilled at all construction sites

    Home Remodeling Safety Standards You Should Keep Note Of

    While the Chapter 33 NYC DOB focuses on construction or demolition operations of buildings, some standards apply to general renovation or remodeling work. They include the following:

    • 3303.3 Obstruction of sidewalks and streets: According to the standards, no street or sidewalk should be closed even in parts without a permit from the department of transportation. During the home renovation process, you spend a lot of resources on materials and appliances. Oftentimes, there isn’t much space inside the home to store these items and homeowners end up putting them on the streets while they continue to make space for them. If you feel a situation like this is likely to occur, ensure to arrange permits to avoid any fines.
    • 3303.5 Removal of waste material: Home remodeling generates a lot of waste, and it needs to be removed properly, in a manner that prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties, and public rights-of-way.
    • Elements to be maintained during remodeling and additions: Homeowners need to ensure that required exits, existing structural elements, fire protection devices, and sanitary safeguards are maintained at all times during the renovation.
    • Repair and alteration operations in occupied buildings: Sometimes, apartment renovations take place in occupied buildings. In this case, homeowners need to put out barricades, signs, drop cloths, and other protective means to protect the occupants of the building against hazards.

    Wrapping Up

    When in doubt, it is best to consult a team of experts. At Block, our team has in-depth knowledge of the codes and standards put forward by the Chapter 33 NYC DOB. We can help you ensure that your job site will comply with the regulations. Connect with us to learn more!